Shield ProbeFull unit name: [TOR Shield Probe]
Last updated: 23.08.2024 12:00:43
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (8)
Bringing Down the Hammer (2) »
Identity Crisis (1) »
The Rescue (1) »
The Architect of Annihilation (1) »
Reclaiming What's Ours (1) »
Last Battle of the Endar Spire (1) »
One Fell Swoop (1) »
The Shield Probe was a hovering defense droid that was used by various factions during and after the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. It created a shield around the operator, giving him a chance to absorb 50% of energy damage upon impact.
See also
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Black Sun
Achitan's Refugees
Advozse Hegemony
Kintan Kings
Migrant Merchants' Guild
The Locust Scavengers
Droid models that used this weapon or equipment
KCPD-A01 Assassin Droid
PD-A01V02 Assassin Droid
ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid
WAR-A01 Assassin Droid
BMF-GNK-A01 Droid

Full unit name: [TOR Shield Probe] Last updated: 23.08.2024 12:00:43